you are one who looks at his/her body and questions, “why am I so
skinny though I eat all day?” I think my answer will calm down your
curiosity. Calories required by your body to prevent from being
skinny is more then what you have in diet. Your diet may not be
providing you sufficient calories.
fulfill your calories need you can try weight gain supplements like
whey proteins. Protein is what will help to gain body mass and whey
proteins are the best in the market now days.
Whey proteins have highest bioavailability factor enriched with Amino
Acids. Source of some best whey proteins are milk and some other
refined forms. Whey proteins come in three varieties:
- Whey Protein Concentrates: This contains 75% pure protein with little amount of fat. The biological value is highest for concentrates. Usually come in powdered form and the price is less than other ones.
- Whey Protein Isolates: This contains 90% pure protein with no amount of fat and lactose. It will serve you highest amount protein with zero percent fat, lactose and carbohydrates. They are most expansive among all of them.
- Whey Protein Blends: This is a combination of Isolates and Concentrates. You can see the effect of amino acid more with the use of blends. Price of blend lies between the price of concentrates and isolates.
amino acid enrich whey proteins are best for you to build body and
muscle. The protein contents digest instantly, which offers great
energy and strength. However, the most important factor that you
should never forget is to exercise and eat regularly when consuming
weight gainers.
Whey protein is beneficial for us. All user of Whey have positive response. Whey Protein powder is good and natural whey protein which we take. Your blog is too good....and give brief knowledge...